Google Toolbar Page Rank update

Google rolls out the new year with a update to its toolbar Page Rank. Googlebot which is Googles information collector is probably one of the hardest working unmanned systems in the World. Crawling the web all day and night looking for new information and checking in on old information along with tons of other functions it performs everyday. At last check via Googles webmaster blog Google uses more than 200 different types of algorithms to determine Page Rank and search engine results position or SERPs.

As far unmanned systems go Googlebot is probably one of the most profitable unmanned systems to date, able to crawl the web collecting information and than sort it out and placing ads next to the content makes Google millions of dollars in revenue each week. This will be the last unmanned system we feature this year but stay tuned next year because we a have a lot more great articles, pictures and videos on the way!


One response to “Google Toolbar Page Rank update”

  1. With the latest version of google toolbar for firefox I seem unable to actually see the page rank when I visit a site, the older version worked so much better for me.